How to make your own Smoked Bacon simplified version 1
Think of this recipe as a good starting place when you’re learning how to cure and smoke bacon at home. Once you learn the basics, the options for different seasonings are endless, which opens up all sorts of culinary and probably coronary doors.
- Volan Rabary
- Tags: home made bacon make your own bacon pork belly 自家製ベーコン

Crispy Slow-Roasted Pork Belly 0
Pork belly is a fatty piece of meat that is often used to make bacon and pancetta. However, it can also be roasted, resulting in a flavorful cut with delicious crispy skin. This roasted pork belly recipe is simple, using just basic seasonings and extra-virgin olive oil. The long, slow roasting makes for tender meat, and the increased oven temperature near the end of the cooking time helps create a crispy skin.- Volan Rabary
- Tags: crispy pork belly pork belly カリカリ豚バラ肉 豚肉