How to prepare the perfect Rump Steak!

Rump steaks are among the most popular cuts of beef.
Preparing them can be a little tricky because of their thickness, but - Whole Meat to the rescue! Here is, how it's done:
① After thawing, bring the meat back to room temperature and season it with salt and pepper
② *Rump is red meat so there is no need to carve the steak before cooking
③ Heat your fry-an and put 1 tbsp of butter in it (make sure not to burn the butter)
④ Put the meat into the fry-pan and grill it until it gets a nice gold-brown color
⑤ After one side got a nice color, put 1 tbsp of olive oil onto it (this is important!)
⑥ Grill the other side as well
⑦ Serve the steak with your favorite sauce or spices.
Recipe by Minako
- S.Hana
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